Wish you were here - Incubus

| | Posted on 10:02 PM


that song reminds me a lot of someone i lost.
not physically, but metaphorically.
in high school, i met the most gorgeous, kind, caring person i had ever seen. he was always concerned with other people, helped everyone he could, and always happy to do it. we dated for only two months, and we swore never be apart.

but time passed, everything changed.
he turned into a really selfish, angry person.
and it killed me.
he ended up our relationship with me cause i tried to make him stand on his own feet for once.
when i listen to this song, i don't wish he was here with me.
but i wish his personality would come back.
i never cry about anything. ever. i'm not cold hearted, i just accept things as a fact of life.
everytime i hear this song, i begin to tear up.
sometimes i do cry, and this is the only thing that can make me cry.
it hurts so much to watch someone you loved-love-fall.


| | Posted on 7:03 AM


Hello everyone!
Hehehe... Baru mulai nge-blog nih, cupu ya hare geneeee baru punya blog -_-"

Awkayyyyyyyz, tahun ini termasuk tahun yang berat nih buat aku.
Yeah you know lah, aku mau lulus SMP nihhhhhh...
Bentar lagiiii, tanggal 27-30 April 2009.
Nomer ujiannya aja udah ada! (05-021-138-7)
I really really really need yer supporttt guys!
Hmm, kata dad, kalo masuk SMA 2, bakal dibeliin HANDPHONE BARU!
yeaaaaaaaaay :D *sooooperhappy*
Antara BB, E71, iPhone! Nahlo, apaaaaaa coba?

Yang penting mah ganti dulu deeeeeeh soalnya hp ku yang sekarang ini nih, si W580i ini nih, astaghfirullaaaaaaaahh :0 kayanya emang bosen idup ato gimana ya?
Menggugurkan semua fitur-fitur kerennya!
(ato emang karna ulah saya?)

Nih ya, kerusakan si butut:
1. Keypad Jebol.
bolong bolong bikin silau aih auh. keypad 'more' sama spasi alias # NGGA BISA DIPENCET.
2. Kamera tidak bisa berfungsi.
ngga tau deh, setiap mau motret, terus ke camera gt, pasti keluar tulisan "Another application is running. Close it and then start the camera." udah diturutin, teteeeeep aja ngga bisa! sebeeeel :(
3. Speaker pecah.
ngga tau juga nih, mungkin sering jatoh kali ya, jadi suaranya nyempreng gituuuuuu :'(

Yang lain lupaaaaaa hehehehe :p

Udah aaaah mau main rock legends duluuuu.
Oh iya, add facebook-ku ya,

Niteeeeeeeeeee! :D